A quite a few tomato plants have come up now, along with a few sweat peas. My other tomatoes haven't come up yet but I am not suprised because my first tomatoes took a while to come up.
Sometimes plants need drainage to do well. From what I understand, if you have a flat layer of clay below your plants then when you water them the water will collect down at the bottom and you plants won't do well. So (I think) the solution is to lay a pipe or lay rocks in the bottom of the bed and fluff up the soil. Make sure the rocks or pipes are inclined in the direction you want it to go.
Hotbeds and coldframes are boxes in which you would put plants that you want to prepare for the great outdoors. A hotbed has an electric wire running through it to keep the plants warm. However, a coldframe does not have this ability. For a coldframe you have to pile dirt or mulch around it. On both of them however when it gets hot you a have to open it a little ways. The hotter it is outside, more open it should be.
We now get to go to Michigan! We passed the Uion Level with flying colors. In the first half we didn't miss a single point. In the second half we missed seven. But we still set the score by actually winning. All of the other times so far we just got within 10%. I just hope that we can keep this up.
I just realized that I haven't told you about the second level in Bible Bowl. We got to go on to the Third one and we have been studying like crazy. I have tons of resources to study from.
Fill in the blanks
A copy of the book of Acts in the New King James Version
Question answer cards
A DVD of the book of Acts in the New International Version ( Just so that I now what happens in the book better. Even though We are supposed to use the New King James Version)
A CD set of the entire Bible in the New King James Version
A set of outline cards
A stack of green cards with one verse on each card that I am supposed to put in order
A checklist of things that I am supposed to do
A huge pile of papers
And a set of headings to put the Green cards in
tomorrow Is the third level. If we can get past this one we will go to Michigan!