Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Bird list

O.K. I have had trouble writing this post. I kept losing my list because the internet was down but here it is.

Day 1

Mourning dove
Blue jay
(Strangely no House sparrows)

Day 2

House sparrow (Aaa They are back again)
Mouning dove
Blue jay

Day 3

House sparrow

Day 4

House sparrow
Mourning dove

Day 5

House sparrow

Day 6

House sparrow
Mourning dove

Day 7

House sparrow
Downy woodpeeker
Blue jay
Mourning dove (the birds seem to congergate today)

Monday, November 08, 2004

The Eagle

Yesterday we went to The Eagle. The Eagle is a ship given to us by Germany after the Second World War and it is now in the U.S. Coast Guard's possession.

This is Beth and me just before we left the ship.

And this is her Eagle at the front. All in all it was a pleasant experience.
You can get info about the ship Here.